Facts Come Alive In Informative Speech Examples

Informative speech example on bees

An informative speech tells the audience about people, places, processes, events, ideas, or things without attempting to persuade them. The purpose is to tell them about something in a clear, easy-to-understand, and memorable way.

Informative speeches present information that educates an audience on a particular topic and related details. While this seems cut and dried, many famous informative speech examples show how speakers have presented proven facts and supporting detail in a rhetorically pleasing way.

What is An Informative Speech?

The subject matter for informative speeches isn’t subject to interpretation or based on opinion. In short, it’s factual and irrefutable.

  • Ocean water is saline.”
  • When mixing colors for painting, shades of pink can be achieved by mixing pink and red.”
  • Growing tomatoes from seed requires sufficient light, water, and temperatures.” 

These basic examples all qualify as informative speaking. The speaker does not advance opinions, makes statements cannot be refuted, and provide information that is pertinent to the topic.

Should these statements be part of a more extensive informative speech, the information would educate the audience on an aspect of the topic without attempting to persuade or convince them.

Statements considered to be facts are generally accepted as true, often after scientific research and study. Facts may change in light of new evidence.

Today, there is no dispute as to whether the earth revolves around the sun, not vice versa. Back in 1615, the opinions of Galileo, who hypothesized that the sun was the center of the solar system, might have been accused of trying to convince listeners of his theories. Today, most people accept Galieo’s theory as fact, and there is no dispute as to whether the earth revolves around the sun, not vice versa.

What Is The Difference Between An Informative And A Persuasive Speech?

While informative and persuasive speeches deliver information, they differ in their intent.

The goal of an informative speech is to provide unbiased, opinion-neutral information. The goal of a persuasive speech, on the other hand, is to convince – persuade – the audience of something.

A persuasive may use logical (logos) or emotional (pathos) arguments to sway the audience toward a particular opinion.

In these times of fake news and self-defined truth, the line between facts and opinions are blurred. What believers of a cause might feel is absolute truth, might be considered opinion by non-believers,

What Are The Types Of Informative Speeches?

There is some debate on how many types of informative speech exist. Most claim there are between 3-7 categories. Four primary categories of informative speech are universally recognized, however.

They are:

1. Descriptive speech

A descriptive speech uses factual information to paint the audience a picture of a topic. This type of speech uses clear and vivid language that allows a person to accurately visualize what’s being discussed.

2. Explanatory speech

This type of speech will provide new or updated information regarding a process, concept, or issue. It may be an overview of steps or historical evolution of the topic.

3. Definition speech

A definitional speech seeks to explain an unfamiliar topic to an audience. Topics appropriately addressed by definitional speeches vary, but the goal of the speech remains the same – providing factual information to an audience that includes historical context and modern relevance.

4. Demonstrative speech

Similar to an explanatory speech, a demonstrative speech may provide step-by-step information. In this case, visual aids are incorporated. Materials utilized will vary depending on the topic. Still, the aim is to give the audience visual instruction on how something is accomplished.

There is disagreement on whether a demonstrative speech is genuinely informative or a category of its own. The claim is that actual informative speech discusses a process without specific how-to information, leaving that territory to the demonstrative speech.

How Do You Write An Informative Speech?

Writing an informative speech requires planning, organization, and a clearly defined goal for your speech. Defining your goal will provide guidance as you prepare and write your speech. This is particularly important when topics are broad and lend themselves to going off course.

At any point in the process, you can ask yourself, “How does this component get me closer to the goal of my speech?” The answer will help you determine whether what you’re including is relevant information, needs a brief mention, or can be excluded altogether.

Often informative speeches begin as informative essays. The essay topic can then be reapproached and redeveloped into a speech.

How Do You Write An Informative Speech?

The steps for informative speech writing remain the same regardless of the topic. They are:

  • Select a topic
  • Research your chosen topic
  • Consider your audience
  • Develop a thesis statement
  • Create an outline
  • Write a draft
  • Evaluate your tone
  • Edit
  • Practice
  • Commit to memory

More about this process and the key components for each can be found here.

Informative Speech Examples

Strong informative speeches will all have three primary attributes.

They will:

  • Address a specific topic
  • Be clear on the main points
  • Keep the audience’s attention

The way these things are achieved will vary by topic and speaker. In all cases, however, a successful public speaker employ attention getters as they introduce and transition between key points, and used an informative speech outline.

The speech will also be appropriately tailored to the knowledge level of the audience members.

For instance, you wouldn’t speak to a group of college students from a knowledge base that’s geared to the high school level, it wouldn’t keep their interest or provide new and useful information.

Informative speech examples show hoow o use right words at right time

Sample informative speeches can be easily found on many sites. Some excellent examples, however, are listed below. When reading or listening to these, notice not only the key points, but also the delivery and art of public speaking.

How Do Compelling Informative Speeches Keep Audiences Listing

Some topics such as UFOs might be interesting on their own, but studies of famous speeches show that the author used various literary and rhetorical techniques to make them memorable.

Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” Speech in 1963 relied on simple, sincere language with a Biblical lilt, future tense verbs, and abstract nouns like dream to engage the audience.

I have a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification – one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together.

  1. Abstract noun – “I have a dream” used throughout
  2. Future verb tense – “will be able,” “shall be made low, …plain, …straight”
  3. Scripture references from Isaiah 40:4-5 applied to the speech
  4. Parallel structure – “little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers”

This speech appears on list of both great informative and persuasive speeches. For more examples of techniques used in other speeches, check out this blog.

What Is A Good Topic For An Informative Speech?

As seen above, informative speeches are often used during training sessions, academic lectures, or when someone wants to shed light on a particular topic. Good informative speech topics are typically things that the speaker has knowledge or strong feelings about.

These topics when addressed in an informative way (vs. persuasive) fall into one of four areas – people, events, processes, or things.

The list of informative speech topics is wide-ranging. Nearly any topic can be addressed in an informative manner. The primary consideration when writing an informative speech or an informative essay is the intent and goal of the speech.

For instance, if writing about a political party, an informative speech will cover facts like the origin, history, fundamental beliefs, effect on political evolution, etc. It might even discuss the party’s position on certain issues.

A persuasive speech may cover some of those points, but would then highlight the merits of the political party’s beliefs and use logos and pathos to persuade the audience that the party in question should be supported. 

What Are Good Examples Of An Informative Speech For A High School Student?

Speech ideas for high school students are limited only by their level of knowledge and parameters set by teachers assuming the speech is being done in an academic environment. The speakers would research the topic to assemble available facts.

Topic ideas could be video games, mental health in high schools, or the historical importance of the Olympics.

What Is A Good Example Of An Informative Speech Topic For College?

At the college level, informative speeches should be more advanced. The goal and intent of delivery will be the same. Still, the material should be more complex and the delivery more finessed.

Appropriate topics include human rights, past and current, the rise of artificial intelligence, demonstrated effects of social media on society (or a subset), or the limitations of the foster care system.

What Are Other Examples Of An Informative Speech?

Lists of informative speech topics and prompts are easily found through a quick internet search. The best speeches, however, are those that pique your interest.

For examples of informative speeches in the professional world, you need to look no further than most college lectures, some political addresses, corporate reports, technical reports, or career day presentations.

Anyone looking for ideas for an informative speech can easily find examples. Many examples use language in a memorable way as defined by the sentence structure, the use of alliteration, verb choice, simplicity

Some of the most famous examples of the practical application of informative speaking are,

Informative speech examples

The following list compiled by Tutors.com identifies famous informational speeches:


  • “Duties of American Citizenship” by Theodore Roosevelt
  • “Duty, Honor, Country” by General Douglas MacArthur
  • “Strength and Dignity” by Theodore Roosevelt


  • “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” by Patrick Henry
  • “The Decision to Go to the Moon” by John F. Kennedy
  • “We Shall Fight on the Beaches” by Winston Churchill
Informative speech examples - JFK moon speech


  • “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • “Pearl Harbor Address” by Franklin Delano Roosevelt
  • “Luckiest Man” by Lou Gehrig


  • The Way to Cook with Julia Child
  • This Old House with Bob Vila
  • Bill Nye the Science Guy with Bill Nye

Lorin Harrott

After years as a professional speaker and corporate trainer,Lorin Harrott has turned her attention to sharing her knowledge through writing. She's currently a writer, photographer, and mom in Sacramento, CA, with occasional speaking engagements related to education and STEM topics in the public school system.

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