Motivational Speaking Inspires Others To Act

Motivational speaking makes people wan to act

Motivational speaking is a presentation designed to inspire and encourage the audience. The content is based on the psychology of motivation. Offering motivational speeches is a business for some, although others may deliver lessons intended to motivate.

Motivational speakers deliver inspirational messages to audiences assembled for business meetings, conferences, church conventions, community events, and other gatherings. Although the speaker may be an average Joe with inspirational words to share, often the person who gives a keynote speech or other presentation is a professional at motivational speaking.

What Is The Meaning Of Motivational Speaking?

The purpose of motivational speaking is to inspire the audience and encourage them to make a change, whether it be to stop smoking, sell Amway, or develop better communication skills at work. Powerful words can inspire others to act.

Many people who have been successful by using a technique, program, or approach in their life might embark on a career in motivational speaking where they sell their services. In conjunction with speeches they give in person or via podcasts or videos, they might sell books, courses, tee shirts, and other customized items to continue to inspire buyers. The motivational speaking industry is a $1.9 billion industry in the U.S.

A motivational speaker may start with personal stories of how the speaker overcame or handled a problem and lead to how listeners could do as well by looking inward, buying a course and collateral material such as DVDs, or trying a Keto diet, joining Weight Watchers (now WW), or committing to intermittent fasting.

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A powerful motivational speech often excites those attending about incorporating change in their lives. An inspirational speaker can leave you feeling incredibly moved by their personal story but not compelled to change something in your own life – but motivational speakers make a living trying to help people change!

What Is The Difference Between A Motivational Speech And A Motivational Speaker?

Speeches intended to inspire or motivate a group occur every day. A coach tries to light a fire under players during practice or at a game. A boss speaks to a department about increasing sales or recycling office paper. A pastor tries to encourage the congregation to try Jesus, not drugs.

Some people who give motivational speeches at public events are chosen for their expertise; some make motivational speaking a minor or major part of their career. They learn to take the stories, anecdotes, and advice that they have to a target audience who is there to listen to their message. A successful motivational speaker will have the audience hooked within a few opening minutes, leaving the venue with at least a loose action plan.

Many top motivational speakers charge high fees for their presentations.

Is There A Difference Between A Motivational Speaker And A Self-Help Speaker?

What is self-help? When you use your resources to change your life often without the ongoing aid of a therapist, the approach is called self-help. The American Psychological Association considers self-help or self-improvement to be self-guided improvement, whether economically, physically, intellectually, and emotionally with a substantial psychological basis.

Self-help speakers are experienced and knowledgeable in ideas that can help others improve their lives. A practical self-help speaker talking about personal development or improvement might leave some audience members feeling compelled to act.

Self-help speaches can be motivational

Motivational speakers are similar; their objective is to motivate individuals to act. Can a motivational speaker encourage self-help? The answer is “yes,” based on the topics such as self-esteem, self-awareness, anger management, self-control, individualism, etc.,

Of course! Can a self-help speaker be inspiring? Absolutely. However, self-help and motivational speakers don’t always overlap, as a motivational speaker often talks about topics that have nothing to do with self-help. For example, the speech might motivate to help end global warming, which is not a self-help issue. A community event that promotes people stepping forward as part of a community watch program is also not a self-help issue.

What Are The Four Types Of Motivational Speeches?

  1. Persuasive: In a persuasive speech, the speaker uses their experiences and knowledge to persuade people to their viewpoint. They will have a sound rationale and use emotional language to change people’s minds or impact their outlook toward theirs.
  2. Entertaining: Motivational speeches can also be meant to entertain but also motivate as a sidebar. A committee often hires a keynote speaker to engage and entertain on special occasions. For example, they might employ a world-class athlete at a large marathon to talk about their training, including struggles and accomplishments over the years. Those listening could feel more motivated about their training after listening to this keynote, which is an effect the best motivational speakers have on people.
  3. Oratorical: Often given at a special occasion such as a graduation, an oratorical speech is prepared before the event and includes a discussion that the audience can relate to. The speaker could intend to have the graduates leave with a “seize the day” mentality or a call to live with more intention.
  4. Inspirational: This is the most well-known and popular type of motivational speech. Professional motivational speakers are skilled in inspiring others to create personal change. The top motivational speakers tell stories about overcoming adversity or simply waking up one day to change their lives.

What 3 Things Make A Good Motivational Speech?

What makes the best motivational speakers excellent at what they do? There are three essential elements that the very best motivational keynote speeches will have in them.

Build Trust

The best motivational speeches will begin to build trust right from the start. After briefly stating your credentials, you show you are knowledgeable on the topic. Your stories can illustrate how and why they should trust you by showing how you are similar to all individuals assembled.

Create Desire

Creating desire in the audience is the next step. Have you painted a picture of what life will look like if they are motivated toward the change you describe? Painting this image is how you build the desire to act. The audience needs to believe that what you describe matters and is achievable for them. You can inspire someone by listing your accomplishments, but if they don’t feel they could do the same, you are failing to motivate them.

Motivated crowd

Describe the Path

Using both emotion and logic can help people leave compelled to act, but you also need to give them tools that can act as a catalyst to change. An exceptional motivational speaker has the audience going with a clear path to success for what they want to achieve. You can offer suggestions for support along the way. The important thing is that everyone listening lives with a plan so they can stay focused and implement it.

How Do I Get Into Motivational Speaking?

Are you interested in a motivational speaking career? Some fundamental steps could help.

  1. Learn the science of motivation. It is only enough to have a good story to tell if you know how to sell it to others. Using effective body language and using compelling language in stories has been scientifically proven to build trust.
  2. Identify an audience and target topics. Motivational speakers typically have a target audience and specific issues they tackle. Understanding who the audience is is important to event planners as the select speakers and to the speakers themselves, who might vary their presentation based on the age, educational level, or interest of the group.
  3. Study professionals. Do some research into the best motivational speakers to see if there are tips you can glean from how they implement their craft. Consider attending a few seminars to hear some powerful and practiced public speakers.
  4. Get certified. A certificate in Motivational Public Speaking offers useful content about professionalism, marketing, confidence, speaking skills, and speech writing.
  5. Get ready for the business side of things. It would be best to dig into the business angle to make money at speaking. How will you market yourself? What will you charge? Are you willing and able to travel?
  6. Start seeking engagements. In the beginning, you will need to get your name out there, likely taking engagements where you will not be compensated (or are paid very little) as you work on becoming a speaker.
  7. Market yourself. There are many ways to market yourself, including social media, Linkedin, and joining a speakers bureau.
Simon Sinek, Motivational Speaker
SImon Sinek byLance Cpl. Brendan Mullin, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Which Is An Example Of Motivational Speaking?

Pam Berg

A former English teacher and currently an elementary principal in a rural school, Pam has honed her speaking skills in the classroom and before professional groups. Pam enjoys sharing her insights about public speaking almost as much as she enjoys running, which she does daily.

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