Speech delivery is how you present what you have to say in your speech. There are four main kinds of speech delivery: impromptu, extemporaneous, manuscript, and memorized. What also counts in any speech delivery is how you use your voice and how you present yourself.
No matter what you have to say to an audience, the way you say it is what drives the point home. Speech delivery is the compounded effect of verbal and non-verbal messaging.
The words you share are the core of your speech, but body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice are what listeners often relate to.
What Are The 4 Types Of Speech Delivery?
How you deliver your speech depends on the circumstances surrounding the speech.
1. Impromptu Speech Delivery:
Impromptu speaking is done without planning and often without notice. You might be asked to say a few words on a topic at a meeting or upon accepting an award you weren’t expecting to win. When in a new group, the leader might call upon you to introduce yourself as part of an icebreaker exercise.
For an impromptu speech, you are unlikely to have visual aids on hand to accompany the words, but you can still be poised and confident, use eye contact, and accent your words with meaningful gestures.
If you are in the public eye, you might expect to be interviewed on the spot at any time. You should have some pre-planned responses to questions about policy so you get your message across even in impromptu opportunities.
2. Extemporaneous Speaking Delivery:
An extemporaneous speech is well-planned but not memorized and given from notes. You follow the note cards as you cover the main points, but the specific lines are ad-libbed.
Speaking extemporaneously from note cards allows you to maintain better eye contact, add anecdotal stories, and be flexible with the presentation.
3. Manuscript Speech Delivery:
If a speech needs to be delivered in very measured and precise terms, manuscript speaking might be the perfect solution. The speaker reads a manuscript speech from paper or a teleprompter. Having the words written down so they can be read word-for-word ensures it is done accurately when a precise message matters.
Speeches such as the President’s State of the Union are manuscript speeches. To make them flow correctly and not sound like the speaker is reading disconnected words, they should be formatted for easy reading.
4. Memorized Speech Delivery:
Sometimes there are situations where a person needs or wants to memorize a speech, just like actors do. Speeches at weddings or funeral eulogies are examples of times when the message should be given from memory.
Without looking down at notes or a paper, people sometimes try so hard to remember their words that they fail to connect with the audience. They don’t maintain eye contact or use voice inflection or vocal variety, and their speech can sound monotone.
Is there a preferred type of delivery? The type of speech delivery depends on the occasion, but extemporaneous speeches are the most natural sounding to the audience. If the speaker has practiced the speeches, including when to use any prepared visual aids or props, the speech delivery should be smooth.
What Are The 7 Cs Of Speech Delivery?
Public speaking is communication. The quality of your speech depends on putting the 7 Cs of communication into practice.
- Clear: Public speaking needs to be clear in its structure and presentation.
A good speech makes it points to audience members with apparent logic. Avoid excessive jargon or technical terms, slang, idioms, confusing vocabulary, and remoted-sound passive voice makes the verbiage relatable. The speaker’s articulation should be crisp to easily understand every word. - Concise: Everything you say should be relevant. Interesting stories or irrelevant material that fills time but lacks value are just fluff that dilutes the strength of your speech.
- Concrete: Concrete details are tangible things that add to the main point of your speech. Use language and examples that show your expertise and knowledge on the topic. Even if the speech is based on opinion, you should back up your position with facts.
- Correct: Speech content should be accurate and based on thorough research. The words and grammar you use and your pronunciation should be correct to prevent the audience from fixating on errors.
- Coherent and Cohesive: All the points in a speech should come together into a main speech topic. Transitions that link thoughts are helpful for this purpose.
- Complete: Though you have a limited time to present your speech, it should include complete thoughts about the important points you are trying to make.
- Courteous: Your audience has taken time out of their day to listen to your speech. You should make your presentation engaging and relatable, with language appropriate to your audience and tone appropriate to the occasion.
What Is The Difference Between Speech Delivery And Voice?
Vocal delivery includes different components of speech. This includes the rate at which you speak, your volume, pitch, pronunciation, articulation, and fluency. Do you enunciate words carefully? Are you speaking too loudly or softly? Do you use voice inflection to make points and prevent monotony? Can you correctly pronounce the words you are using?
Speech delivery includes not just your voice but facial expressions, eye contact, gesture, use of props and visual aids, etc. Nonverbal communication elements such as body language can help make an effective speech even more powerful.
What Is The Difference Between A Speech And A Presentation?
Speeches are the words you deliver. When you add visual aids, you make it a presentation.
Visual aids can vary from a PowerPoint or Google slide show to a trifold board to a prop you can display or hold. Using them correctly is valuable presentation skill.
If you are giving a presentation to convince a client that your company is the best to represent it, you might use PowerPoint. However, if you are giving a demonstration speech on how to fly fish, you might have a fly fishing rod in your hand when speaking.
There is a difference between a speech and a presentation, but many people use the two terms interchangeably.
What Is The Importance Of A Good Delivery In Speech?
Good delivery can make all the difference in giving a powerful speech. The delivery phase starts as soon as you step in front of an audience. First, get the audience’s attention by introducing who you are and perhaps jumping right into an exciting opening to hook them.
Whether your speech is impromptu, extemporaneous, memorized, or manuscript, you can wow the audience with your delivery.
Determining which is best for your speech depends on your intent and the situation.
What Is Good Delivery In Speech?
Unless you are called upon to give an impromptu speech that catches you by surprise, you should come to the podium ready to go with a well-structured speech honed to perfection through practice.
When giving a speech, there are specific aspects to delivering a powerful speech.
- Dress Appropriately: You may wear a suit or business casual, but your dress should be a notch above what the audience is wearing
- Posture: Stand tall with good posture. Don’t bend over or lean on the lectern or podium.
- Establish Credibility: The speaker’s credibility goes a long way to convincing people you know what you are talking about. Be certain to establish that with the audience.
- Notes: Consider using notecards instead of a transcript of your speech. This encourages natural pauses for eye contact. Make sure your note cards are formatted to be useful to you with large type and critical concepts you need to mention.
- Eye Contact: Looking up at the audience is very important to giving a good speech.
- Gestures: Gestures do not come naturally to every speaker, so use gestures if you can do so comfortably and without looking awkward. Practice what you will do with your hands as you rehearse your speech.
- Getting Started: Start with an attention grabber that may be a story, joke, or relevant statistic. You want to generate audience interest early on.
- Avoid Weak Words: Practice enough that you have eliminated the “umms” and “okays” from your vocabulary.
- Speed: Make sure you are not speaking too quickly or too slowly. Find balance.
- Voice Inflection: Work on varying your voice inflection so you do not sound monotone.
What Is The Difference Between Slow And Fast Delivery?
A good speaker controls both speed and inflection to keep the speech from becoming monotonous.
Sometimes it is appropriate to speed up your speaking to prove a point. Fast speaking can convey excitement or urgency.
If your timing gets off track, you may need to alter your delivery speed. When practicing your speech, you should develop a Plan B so you can cut your text down if you need to without compromising the speech. If you have extra time, you can add some additional prepared material.
What Is The Best Way To Improve Your Speech Delivery?
The best way to improve your speech delivery is to practice. Remember, the first time you give the speech will likely be rocky, which is why practicing is so important. You can practice for friends, in front of a mirror, or by recording yourself. When you watch the recording, it is a great opportunity to find ways you can improve your speech.
Another tactic is to watch strong speakers to find tips you might implement. Google great public speakers and see what comes up.